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On everyday
Face to face we pass the way
Feeling something enchanting 
Door to platonic Love
But you had never given me moment
To say what my heart longs to say.

Nervousness wrapped around
Standing beside, just with a smile
But our eyes did talk in silence
Dare I fall into them and get squandered 
Beauties almond eyes
Tend to lose my thoughts.

Sometimes I see you in dilemma-
Whether to pour a smile!
Your smile is a rare sight
Like a blue moon in a starlit night
Its the cutest I have ever seen
It would steel my sleep

"Hi" followed by a "bye"
Framed our conversation
Via that silence you taught me-
Silence an amazing language of love.
Followed long way
Never noticed or pretended so.
But my love found no bound to those times.

Password of your Heart's lock
Its not so far
Close down your dilemma
Lets mount the peak of Love
My words are on hold for the moment
To let my heart rain


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